Students in Mr. Gunneson's Materials Science & Processing 2 class, hard at work bringing their end table designs to life.
Brookside students know that kindness "ties" us together as we continue the #GreatKindnessChallenge this week! Keep doing those acts of kindness from the GKC checklist!
Students in Mr. Krebs' Physics class were tasked with making a car out of only paper and glue. The goal was to use specific safety features to protect an egg from the force of crashing into a wall.
Seniors in international cuisine making homemade pasta for their Italy unit.
We kicked off The Great Kindness Challenge and transformed JFG into K.I.N.D Headquarters! Our JFG Cardinals were on a mission - start completing as many acts of kindness on the GKC checklist as they can! We have a week of missions ahead and we know they can do it!
Just a tiny example of what can happen when a school community sticks together! Challenges can only make us stronger! Looking forward to celebrating the best of 100 days and many more to come! #oneproudprincipal
Mrs. Keller's photo classes are currently learning about different properties and characteristics of light while photographing still life objects and portraits in the photography studio.
What are equivalent fractions? Fourth graders use fraction tiles (digital math manipulatives via to find out!
Congratulations to Mr. James Thomas on being named the Westwood High School “Governor’s Educator of the Year"! He is now eligible and given an Invitation to Apply for County Teacher of the Year. Thank you for everything you do for our students and school community!
First High School Ski Trip of this school year! Great to see the students enjoying themselves!
Our 5th Graders learning all about the brain - our thinking brain, amygdala & hippocampus & how these all play a role in how we react & handle our big emotions. We used our hands to model how the parts work with each other & what happens if we "flip our lid."
JFG kindergarten students learn all about using coping skills to have healthy minds and bodies. Calm coloring always helps relax our minds!
Using fraction tiles to investigate equivalent fractions! These fraction detectives did a great job!
Members of the Westwood High School Esports Team competing virtually from home! Go Cards! Thank you to our coaches, Mr. Tresvalles and Mr. Krebs!
Varsity Debate Team: CONGRATULATIONS to Grace Mohr who is having an outstanding senior season, for bringing home an award for best judge. We are so proud of the dedication and growth of all team members, and cannot wait for our next tournament! GO CARDS!!!
Mr. Chen's students are getting into the swing of things in Honors Physics learning about circular motion. Students can swing a bucket of marbles without any of them falling out. The question is, are the marbles being pushed out or pushed in?
Every JFG staff member found a message on their windshield Friday afternoon. No matter what, everyday you place a smile on our children's faces and aim to make a difference. You make EVERYDAY count! Have an awesome weekend JFG!
Students in Mr. Chen's AP Physics 2 discussed the growing trend of LED bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs. Which of these is more energy efficient? The LED bulbs were cool to the touch but the incandescent bulbs were hot!
Mrs. McKaba's Honors Chemistry students completing a lab to first create magnesium oxide and then analyze it's percent composition.
Berkeley elevates and rises up together to support our children, community, and staff. Thank you Ms. Massaro and Ms. Gonzalez for helping 'inflate' our Friday! HOPE FLOATS!