What an amazing game! JFG DADS bring the George Washington Cup home! Thank you to everyone who supported, participated, and organized such an awesome event!
almost 3 years ago, Jessie F. George School
school community celebrating a win at a basketball game
Dads congratulating each other after a basketball game
students at a school basketball game
students posing with trophy at basketball game
Lots of fun last night at the George/Washington Dads' March Madness event at the high school!
almost 3 years ago, Jill Mortimer
pictures of basketball game
pictures of game
pictures of game
pictures from the event
High School student Olivia Larsen was accepted into Harvard University! Congratulations!
almost 3 years ago, Jill Mortimer
harvard logo
All high school students in grades 9-12 will attend a workshop presented by members of a non-profit organization called Alumni in Recovery. Alumni in Recovery is composed of young adults who are living in recovery and abstinent from all drugs and alcohol. This wonderful organization strives to heighten awareness, hope, and resources for local communities by sharing their personal stories with addiction and how they overcame them. Students will view the workshop on Thursday, April 7th or Friday, April 8th during their P.E./Health class. Additionally, we will also be offering a parent program on this same topic on Thursday, April 7th at 6:30PM in Hurley Theater. This program is free and open to all parents in our community.
almost 3 years ago, Jill Mortimer
district logo
Our High School Academic Decathlon Team (WACADECA) filling up our trophy case! I think we need more room! Cardinal Pride! Another great season!
almost 3 years ago, Frank Connelly
Nate Gunawan competed in the North Jersey Regional Science Fair. First Place Engineering Award, IEEE NJ Section Young Engineer Award, ISEF Grand Prize (advances to the Regeneron ISEF virtual competition). His project involved refining/developing a new way to make maglev trains.
almost 3 years ago, Frank Connelly
Congratulations to the High School Student of the Month for March, Alyssa Turrisi, (Grade 11) nominated by Ms. Olivia Polzer.
almost 3 years ago, Frank Connelly
Congratulations to Daniel Shotkin for winning a regional silver award for his short story & a regional gold award for journalism for the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition . He also won a national silver award for journalism. He was selected out of 250,000 entries.
almost 3 years ago, Frank Connelly
Brookside School 5th Graders recently participated in a March Madness Basketball Game against teachers and our Westwood Police Department! Thank you to teachers Ms. Morales, Mrs. Tadiello, Mrs. Vaughan, Mr. Barbieri, and Mr. Holl. Additional thanks to Chief Pontillo, and Officers Chris Horst, Joe Pavone, and Ryan Sestanovich!
almost 3 years ago, Brookside School
Mrs. Kemple's AP Biology class testing the effect of pH on the enzyme, peroxidase (extracted from turnips). Students will use the color change to determine the optimal pH range for the enzyme and to indicate pH ranges that are likely to denature the enzyme.
almost 3 years ago, Frank Connelly
Thank you Berkeley K-3 students, Main Stage Academy, and Berkeley PSO for our first 'Triple Threat' Performance!
almost 3 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
triple threat
triple threat
triple threat
JFG 1st Graders differentiating between coping skills! There is no right or wrong, good or bad - we just think about what is going to be HELPFUL! What is going to make our brain, heart & body feel best! #JustFocusonGrowing
almost 3 years ago, Jessie F. George School
Student working on coping skills activity
Student working on coping skills activity
Students displaying their coping skills activity
Student leadership is in full effect! JFG student takes an active role in teaching his peers about circuits!
almost 3 years ago, Jessie F. George School
student teaching his peers about circuits
student teaching his peers about circuits
student teaching his peers about circuits
student teaching his peers about circuits
So happy to see Mrs. Schinn collaborate with the 2nd-grade team to "Sprinkle Kindness" by including a positive Spanish vocabulary word in their writing.
almost 3 years ago, Jessie F. George School
Bulletin board that displays students' work with positive spanish vocabulary  infused within their writing
WRMS Health teachers met with renowned expert Judy LoBianco, Executive Director of SHAPE NJ (Society of Health and Physical Educators of New Jersey) today to learn strategies for teaching the NJDOE's Health and Physical Education standards. LoBianco is among an elite group of school district leaders recognized in Education Week‘s annual Leaders To Learn From report.
almost 3 years ago, Jill Mortimer
judy lobianco
Mr. Andrew Kramar will begin his position as the WWRSD Director of Technology on May 31, 2022. Mr. Kramar has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Public Administration from New York University. He is coming to us from the Morris Plains School District, where he serves as the Director of Informational Technology and a Principal. We sincerely look forward to welcoming him to the District!
almost 3 years ago, Jill Mortimer
picture of Andrew Kramar
Beginning April 1, the Westwood Regional School District will pay substitute teachers $150 per day if they posses a Bachelor's Degree and $140 for 60 college credits. We will also raise our pay for sub nurses to $200 per day. Please contact HR for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Jill Mortimer
Class of 2023 Jr. Prom (Semi)! Great to see some normalcy and a lot of smiling faces!
almost 3 years ago, Frank Connelly
Dr. Mortimer, Business Administrator Keith Rosado, and Buildings & Grounds Manager Glen Becker met with representatives from FKA Architects to review the layout and furniture choices for the soon to be renovated High School Media Center. Students will return in September to a room designed just for them. It will be the new "hub" of the school.
almost 3 years ago, Jill Mortimer
media center rendering