The High School Debate Team is working hard in preparation of their first tournament this Friday at Tenafly High School! Go Cards!!!
over 1 year ago, Frank Connelly
The third Wednesday of October is National Unity Day, a day founded by PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center to pledge to end bullying and wear orange. Thank you to our High School staff for participating.
over 1 year ago, Frank Connelly
First graders are also working hard during the Writing Workshop to write their Small Moment Stories. We learned that first we think, sketch, then write. They are bringing their characters to life by making them think, feel, and speak! #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez
What a perfect combination....Wellness Wednesday and Unity Day 2023.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
unity day
wellness wed
unity day
unity day
Our young scientists engage in hands-on learning through exploration and discovery while investigating the wonders of a pumpkin! #JustFocusonGrowing
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
Our young scientists engage in hands-on learning through exploration and discovery while investigating the wonders of a pumpkin! #JustFocusonGrowing
Our young scientists engage in hands-on learning through exploration and discovery while investigating the wonders of a pumpkin! #JustFocusonGrowing
Our young scientists engage in hands-on learning through exploration and discovery while investigating the wonders of a pumpkin! #JustFocusonGrowing
Our young scientists engage in hands-on learning through exploration and discovery while investigating the wonders of a pumpkin! #JustFocusonGrowing
Building "buddy" relationships across our school continues to cultivate a sense of belonging and community. Together, our buddies engaged in some MONSTER MATH! #JustFocusonGrowing
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
Building "buddy" relationships across our school continues to cultivate a sense of belonging and community. Together, our buddies engaged in some MONSTER MATH! #JustFocusonGrowing
Building "buddy" relationships across our school continues to cultivate a sense of belonging and community. Together, our buddies engaged in some MONSTER MATH! #JustFocusonGrowing
Building "buddy" relationships across our school continues to cultivate a sense of belonging and community. Together, our buddies engaged in some MONSTER MATH! #JustFocusonGrowing
Building "buddy" relationships across our school continues to cultivate a sense of belonging and community. Together, our buddies engaged in some MONSTER MATH! #JustFocusonGrowing
Mr. Arellano's Pastry and Baking class making cinnamon buns. Delicious!
over 1 year ago, Frank Connelly
Ms. Mele gets creative with math instruction as her kindergarten students create spider webs to compare and add numbers! #JustFocusonGrowing
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
Ms. Mele gets creative with math instruction as her kindergarten students create spider webs to compare and add numbers! #JustFocusonGrowing
Ms. Mele gets creative with math instruction as her kindergarten students create spider webs to compare and add numbers! #JustFocusonGrowing
Ms. Mele gets creative with math instruction as her kindergarten students create spider webs to compare and add numbers! #JustFocusonGrowing
Ms. Mele gets creative with math instruction as her kindergarten students create spider webs to compare and add numbers! #JustFocusonGrowing
Thank you Mr. Orsini and Mr. Corso who organized our first ever "6th Grade Basketball" tournament. Students demonstrated their best teamwork, sportsmanship, basketball skills, and they even got to enjoy some pizza!
over 1 year ago, Nicole Ferlise
Day 3 of Responsive Classroom training at the middle school was a success! The agenda included active and interactive learning structures and small group learning strategies.
over 1 year ago, Nicole Ferlise
4th Graders in Ms. Acosta and Ms. Santaella's class are working hard on drafting realistic stories! These awesome authors were brave enough to share their writing to the class using our fancy author microphone! #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez
Ms. Wirchansky's 1st graders are learning to solve problems by adding and subtracting using different strategies #JustFocusonGrowing
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
Ms. Wirchansky's 1st graders are learning to solve problems by adding and subtracting using different strategies #JustFocusonGrowing
Ms. Wirchansky's 1st graders are learning to solve problems by adding and subtracting using different strategies #JustFocusonGrowing
Ms. Wirchansky's 1st graders are learning to solve problems by adding and subtracting using different strategies #JustFocusonGrowing
First graders at Brookside are adding lots of strategies to their math toolbox. We can use number lines, cubes, counters, and ten-frames to help join groups together! #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez
Fall is in the air! Thank you Ms. Curran and Ms. Brown for the outside festive decor.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
fall decorations
Our kindergarten students enjoyed a beautiful fall day pumpkin picking! Their very first field trip was an unforgettable experience! #JustFocusonGrowing
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
Kindergarten Field Trip
Kindergarten Field Trip
Kindergarten Field Trip
Kindergarten Field Trip
JFG celebrates the strength and resilience of all those women who have and are putting up the fight! Breast Cancer Awareness Month is time to show our love and support! #JustFocusonGrowing
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
JFG celebrates the strength and resilience of all those women who have and are putting up the fight! Breast Cancer Awareness Month is time to show our love and support! #JustFocusonGrowing
In honor of National Unity Day on Wednesday, we welcome you to wear orange at the middle school.
over 1 year ago, Nicole Ferlise
Unity Day
Word walls help give us immediate access to important content vocabulary. Middle School ELA teachers have some of the best word walls!
over 1 year ago, Nicole Ferlise
Third graders and Mr. Douthat begin their "Recorder Karate" to show off their new skills and learning.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
4th graders in Mr. Capozzi’s class are trying out new Responsive Classroom ideas during their morning meeting. They are starting the day off right! Just look at those smiles! #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez