Who is ready for our upcoming Art Show and Open House in two weeks on Thursday, March 30? WE ARE!!!

Officer Nick was called to our kindergarten classrooms to help investigate the mess made by the LEPRECHAUN this morning! #JustFocusonGrowing

4th Grade students taking our Friday brain break outside! Brain breaks help to reduce stress, anxiety, and frustration and they can help kids focus and be more productive throughout the day. #WeAllShine@Washington

Second graders are working hard using place value blocks to model 3-digit numbers. They are also trading in tens or hundreds to model a variety of ways to show a number! It’s so much fun to write on our table! #WeAllShine@Washington

Ms. Murray (Work Based Learning Coordinator) visited Parisian Beauty Academy (a Paul Mitchell partner school) to explore post graduate opportunities for students. They will be visiting Westwood High School before the end of the school year!

The Algebra 8 CP students used their knowledge of linear equations to predict data on graphs. Mrs. Donohue’s classes created a scatter plot of height and wingspans from all the students in the class. Do you think there’s a direct correlation between one’s height and wingspan?

Who makes the best Irish Soda bread? Friendly staff competition at the high school!

Amazing performance of "Into the Woods" by our very talented Woodington Players! Still time to see the show Friday @ 7:00 PM, Saturday @ 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM.

Mrs. Oldak’s Kindergarten class is learning about different types of materials during Science. They explored different types of paper, made predictions about what would happen to paper when it gets wet, and then even made their own paper! #BESTatBrookside

In response to this week's display of hate & bias, the Office of Curriculum & Instruction compiled resources for parents. Swastikas, speech & other images that diminish a group are condemned. Go to: https://sites.google.com/wwrsd.org/publiccurriculumoffice for more information.

Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π. Pi Day is observed on March 14 since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant figures of π. Middle school teachers know how to make Pi Day memorable!

First grade students learned how to read like a news reporter during our nonfiction reading unit! #WeAllShine@Washington

We remain grateful and positive...especially Mrs. Massaro, for creating Berkeley's Positivity Chain...here's a sneak peek until you can see it in person for Open House later this month.

Second Graders are working hard on amping up their reading power! Partners work together to find a reading pace that is “just right.” They use strategies such as scooping up words and paying attention to punctuation to help them find the right pace. #WeAllShine@Washington

JFG welcomed Ms. Blagec, a senior intern from Westwood Regional High School. Ms. Blagec is a former JFG student chasing her dreams! Her first stop, her roots... where it all began! #JustFocusonGrowing #oneproudprincipal

Our 4th graders collaborated and spoke about The Invisible Boy and how important kindness, inclusion & celebrating our differences are! #JustFocusonGrowing

Kindergarteners love to 'unlock' sounds and letters with Mrs. Houck!

Motivational speaker, Eric LeGrand visited the middle school this week. Thank you to the PSO for sponsoring this wonderful assembly!

Middle school representatives at the 2023 New Jersey Association for Middle Level Educator Conference. Our very own Brianne Adams is president of NJAMLE!

These Super 2nd graders put their editing hats on to fix and fancy their poetry for Writing Workshop! They are having fun collaborating with each other, and using tools like student dictionaries and word wall to write colorful, clear and creative poetry. #WeAllShine@Washington