Welcome Incoming Kindergarten Parents and students! It was exciting to finally meet you and welcome you to our school and community....we can't wait for kindergarten!
about 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Congratulation Grades 1-3 on your very first in-person concert! Great performances by all our students and HUGE thank you to Ms. Yoo and Mr. Barbieri for leading our future musicians and singers!
about 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
spring concert
spring concert
spring concert
The Fifth Grade Class Trip returns! Children are enjoying their time at High Exposure today!
about 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
grade 5 trip
grade 5 trip
grade 5 trip
At this year's Berkeley PSO's Spring Fling, the Bolmanski Family won 'Lunch with the Principal and Friends' through the live auction. Eva picked 3 friends and lunch from Farmhouse; we all enjoyed the food and company!
about 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Thank you Mrs. Zakar and the Zak Pack for the grand opening of our school store, 'Pack Products'. Opening of the store included research and development, planning, advertising and marketing. Customers were excited to shop and happy with their selections.
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
school store
school store
We are proud to announce the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. QU, who are always together when we read words and books. Thank you Kindergarten students, teachers and staff!
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Q and U wedding
Q and U wedding
Thank You to Unique Creatures for providing our Grade 1 and Grade 2 children a 'class trip' without leaving the school!
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
unique creatures
unique creatures
unique creatures
Thank you WPD and Officer Nico from our LEAD Program. Office Nico met with fourth grade students to help learn how to identify and manage conflicts or bullying with peers.
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Officer Nico
For Mental Health Awareness Week, Tuesday is for tie-dying, representing different emotions and healthy ways we can express our feelings. Fifth graders felt grateful as they created their own shirts and enjoyed the great weather.
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
tie dye
Ms. Zakar's Zak Pack requested assistance from Berkeley's Marketing Division to help promote the upcoming return of the school store with colorful advertisements!
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
school store
school store
Kindergarteners in Miss Katzin's class share non-fiction facts with their reading buddies outside and enjoy some fresh air!
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
k buddies
k buddies
k buddies
k buddies
Congratulations Amelia Eustic on being the Grand Prize Winner for the Healthy Lunch Challenge from Pomptonian Food Services! Amelia's ' "Delicious Wrap" contains quinoa, chicken, apples, and cucumbers.
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
lunch challenge
"May the Fourth be with You" and Happy Wellness Wednesday! Thank you Berkeley PSO for the catered lunch from Crecco's!
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
staff appreciation
Thank you Berkeley PSO a for the FROZEN treats and thank you Berkeley Sunshine for the treat cart....keeping our energy up for Staff Appreciation Week!
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
staff appreciation
sunshine cart
staff appreciation
Thank you Berkeley PSO and all our parents for making us feel like a dream come true for start of Staff Appreciation Week with themed days, events, and treats!
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
staff appreciation
staff appreciation
staff appreciation
Wellness Wednesday can also show how we help and support each other, while showing how much we love our Cafeteria Ladies!
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
pizza day
pizza day
pizza day
Kindergarteners having more great times visiting our town of Westwood!
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
k trip
k trip
k trip
And they're off! Thank you Westwood PD, kindergarten parents, and staff for helping with our first walking field trip in kindergarten! Children will be visiting some parts of our Westwood Community: Town Hall, WW Fire Department, and WW Library!
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
k trip
Happy Earth Day 2022! Thank you Berkeley PSO and Mr. Cliff for "The Dance of the Honeybees"
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Congratulations WRSD Music Department! Best Communities for Music Education Award for the 9th consecutive year! https://www.nammfoundation.org/
over 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
namm foundation