Ms. Menken's Physics class are developing the idea of Newton’s third law: When objects A and B interact, the force that A exerts on B is always the same in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force that B exerts on A. These forces are exerted on different objects and cannot be added to find a total force.
over 4 years ago, Frank Connelly
Pancakes, crowns, and baby yoda oh my! Mrs. Mckaba's Honors Chemistry not only made amazing aluminum sculptures but also found out how many atoms were in them!
over 4 years ago, Frank Connelly
Using balls of different masses and velocity, students in Mrs. Meindl's 8th grade Science classes explored the Law of Conservation of Momentum.
over 4 years ago, Frank Connelly
Science 8
Maxi Tripodi auditioned for the Bergen County Band with 11 other multi-percussionists and received the top score! The concert will be held at Paramus High School on Sunday, January 12 at 3 pm. Congrats Max!
over 4 years ago, Frank Connelly
Abigail Johnston is a senior in our Structured Learning Experience program and is interning at Oradell Animal Hospital . Today she got to help prep this sweet boxer for surgery! Great experience!
over 4 years ago, Frank Connelly
Carmel Alexander is interning (through our Structured Learning Experience) at St. Joseph's Health Hospital alongside Cardiologist Dr. Anthony Losardo!
over 4 years ago, Frank Connelly
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the day!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Peer pals are once again Participating in the Holiday Angel Tree gift giving program with the local Salvation Army! Go to the cafeteria to pick your tree!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Peer Pals
Ms. Nagle's English II class working collaboratively to find descriptions of various pieces of the setting and select quotations to describe the locations of the classic, The Great Gatsby!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Mrs. Nagle
Social Studies Instructors Mr. DeBlasio, Mr. Collis and members of the Social Studies Honor Society organizing and packing care packages (Collected for Veteran's Day) to be sent to active duty military members that are serving overseas.
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Over the weekend, Ms. Farrell, Mrs. Kauffman, & Ms. Ondrof attended the National Convention for English Teachers in Baltimore, MD. They attended over seven workshops led by authors and professionals in the field. They are excited to share this information with their department!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
The debate team is so proud of their captains, Marta Bystrowska and Olivia Larsen for leading Westwood to a win during Friday’s tournament at Fair Lawn high school. Congrats to our entire Debate Team as well as coaches Ms. Vallorano and Mr. Welfel! Go Cards!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Debate Team
Debate Team
Ms. Gilbert's Chemistry students used card manipulatives of varying sizes to illustrate the number of ions that will make a balanced ionic chemical formula!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Mrs. Rattacasa's Geometry class constructed parallel lines using a compass and straightedge. Then they used angle pair converse theorems to prove that the lines were parallel.
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Mrs. Meindl’s 8th grade science classes were tasked with creating a balloon powered car out of recycled household material. They were to incorporate Newton’s Third Law of Motion; for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction to power their car.
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Science 8
Science 8
Science 8
Students in Forensics class are performing Solvent Tests and Stain Tests to compare different fibers. The purpose of this lab is to use the tests to identify an Unknown Fiber.
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Mr. Miller's Material Science class have been tasked with creating a singular object of their choice from a limited about of specific dimensionalized lumber!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Mr. Miller
Mr. Miller
Students in Mrs. Sommerville's Biology class used whiteboards to formulate the function of a gene as it relates to protein synthesis. They combined ideas from a lab activity, video, and article to strengthen a model of protein synthesis.
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Students in Mr. Tresvalles's 8th grade Engineering class are applying the Engineering Design Process through constant prototyping, redesign, and iteration of paper airplanes in a test of accuracy!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Applied Technology students learned about careers in Project Management. A speaker from Oestreicher Construction in New York City explained the many people and processes needed to make buildings, hospitals, schools, and commercial spaces.
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly