PARENTS & GUARDIANS – The @youth_truth survey is live through January 31. We want to hear from you! #CommunityVoice
almost 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Survey Reminder
Westwood Regional Schools wants to hear from you! We’re partnering with YouthTruth to hear what families have to say about their school experience. Help your school understand how to improve! Take the family survey.
almost 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
YouthTruth Logo
Ms. Kemple's Biology class is studying photosynthesis and this lab involves photosynthetic pigments. The students are using paper chromatography to separate the photosynthetic pigments in spinach leaves. They were able to see xanthophyll, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Students in Mr. O'Connor's and Mr. Krebs' Physics classes are learning about Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion. In cooperative lab groups, students investigated the movements of planets in the Solar System.
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Ms. Gilbert's Chemistry class learning to count by weighing various household objects. They started with pennies, went on to pop beads, and finally counted rice or noodles. (No, they did not count the ~7000 grains of rice. They calculated the number based on the mass.)
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Westwood Regional Schools will be participating in the 4th Annual Bergen County Public Schools Job Fair on Saturday, March 28. Are you an educator interested in working in a Bergen County Public school? Reserve your spot online to attend at
almost 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Job Fair Flyer
Ski Trip! Great time had by all!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Ski Trip
Ski Trip
Ms. Kemple's Biology class is studying anaerobic respiration as part of our cellular respiration unit. In particular, the students are using lactic acid fermentation to produce yogurt.
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Staci Block, from the community service based performance troupe Reflections, led a workshop on Improvisational Acting! They played games centered in focus/communication and explored the everyday conflicts they face & learned how acting can be used to understand their emotions.
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Mrs. Morfing's 8th Grade Science class working on their renewable energy and climate change project. This group chose to write a children’s book!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
New visitors in our school! Great job by our Intro to Fine Arts students!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Congratulations Juliette Skiba (Grade 8), Natasha Rivera (Grade 8), Margaret Loftus (Grade 11), Ashley Francis (Grade 11), Sarah Jough (Grade 12) for being selected as the Jr./Sr. High School Winners for the "WRSD has HEART"!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Our families are giving us feedback with @Youth_Truth student surveys from Jan. 21 to Jan. 31. We can’t wait to hear what they have to say! Check your email or the district website for the link to the family survey. #CommunityVoice
almost 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
YouthTruth Logo
Great job by our cheerleaders tonight! Love the energy!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Mr. Chen's Honors Physics class were shocked to learn about how charges distribute in conductors. One cannot see the tiny tiny charges but they can feel the charges moving when they interact with the Van de Graaf machine!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Love the energy and enthusiasm from our Pre-K students during their physical education activity! Love having them in our building! Thank you Mr. Glover for making it fun for all students!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Art teachers working collaboratively to develop and refine various bookmaking techniques!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Counselors are focusing on alternative post secondary options! They visited Lincoln Tech to learn more about the programs (automotive, HVAC, electrical & more) they offer for students and the Parisian Beauty Academy. Please see your counselor with any questions!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Our English Department spent time researching and discussing diverse texts to more accurately reflect the student population.
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
English Department
Getting to know our equipment! This “Computer Numerically Controlled” router has the capability of creating accurate components for Applied Technology projects! Quite impressive!
almost 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Applied Tech