Sports Medicine/Anatomy class dissected a cow's eye during their concussion unit! During this dissection they were able to see parts of the eye such as the iris, the lens, the retina, and the optic nerve.
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Sports Med
Sports Med
Sports Med
CONGRATULATIONS! Westwood Regional 8th Grade Art Students selected for Bergen County YAM (Youth Art Month) Exhibit! Lena Pissott, Jayna Wolstromer, Lucy Ruel, Peyton Tan, & Mia Sosa For more information on YAM, visit
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Take a 'virtual tour' of the Middle School expansion in progress.
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
2nd Floor Corridor
The Robotics Club building the prototype for the Beach Cleaning Machine, a robot that picks up & cleans litter off the beach. The mechanical team is designing the screen to filter litter through sand and the Programming team figuring out how to effectively power the robot.
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
So exciting!!!! Campbell Auditorium looks amazing! New seats and flooring! It is ready for our "Pops" Concert on February 25th. We will begin the same project in Hurley Theater tomorrow. Cardinal Pride!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Mr. DeBlasio and Mr. Pinto's U.S. History 2 class taking part in the African American Read-In!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
US 2
Our Design Thinking class working on the spaghetti and marshmallow challenge! This challenges the students with team dynamics, learning to work together, and promoting their own ideas.
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Design Thinking
Good luck to all of our teams & individuals competing for state titles this weekend!!! Cardinal Pride! Go cards!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Salma Tamayo, as part of our Structured Learning Experience Program, is interning at the Bergen Performing Arts Center. She’s currently working on their School Time Program! Great experience for our students!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Congrats to our 2020 Salutatorian Carmel Alexander! Great job Carmel! Good luck!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Congrats to our 2020 Valedictorian Franchesca Doell! Great job Franchesca! Good luck!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Max Rank, a senior in our Structured Learning Experience (SLE) program, has been interning with the New Jersey Jackals and Sussex County Minors in their Marketing and Promotions Department. They are currently preparing for the upcoming season!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
WWRSD has heART Show reception at the Westwood Art Gallery! Very talented artists in the district! Thank you to our amazing art teachers for all they do! The show will remain on display until February 22.
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
WWrsd has Heart
Ms. Brazofsky's Child Development class working on Valentine's Day activities with our Pre-K students! I can sense some future educators in the room! Great job!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Child Development
Child Development
Child Development
Child Development
Applied Tech Students competed in an event sponsored by the American Institute of Architects & the Tenafly Chapter of the Society of Women Engineers! They created a building that must be seismic resistant & meet zoning requirements. They won the "Best Seismic Performance" award!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Applied Tech
Applied Tech
Applied Tech
Applied Tech
Congrats to Angelina Parrino (Grade 8) and Hannah Steinfeld (Grade 12) for being selected students of the month for January!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Students in Mr. Chen's Physic's class are well rounded in circular motion! The special apparatus called the whirlygig is able to divert the centripetal force keeping the stopper spinning to keep the washers from falling!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Our debate team continues to have a great season! Congratulations to Julia Almeida for winning "Best Judge" during last week's tournament at Fort Lee High School. Debate is looking forward to hosting our first varsity tournament later this month. Go Cards!!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Debate Team
Congratulations to senior 3 sport student-athlete Cleopatra Simeonidis for representing Westwood at National Girls & Women in Sports Day at Seton Hall University today!! Well deserved Cleo!!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly
Great job by our Academic Decathlon Team. 39 individual awards, 3rd place in the region! Looking forward to hosting the state tournament at Westwood High School! Go Cards!
about 5 years ago, Frank Connelly