Our April 24 Community Update is now available. Check it out online at

Our libraries offer great resources to students, educators, and families. Visit their websites for more information. https://www.twpofwashingtonpl.org/ and https://www.westwoodpubliclibrary.org/

The latest Cardinal Connection and Community Update are now available. https://sites.google.com/wwrsd.org/cardinal-connections/cardinal-connection/march-2020

A BIG Thank You to our Custodial & MAintenance Team for disinfecting ALL our schools and to Pomptonian, our food service provider, for serving meals every day!

Our Board of Education held its first virtual meeting last night. Attendees joined via a live YouTube stream, Zoom conference, and telephone.

In case you missed the parade of appreciation at Brookside after a long week check it out at: https://t.co/lWenscWvch?amp=1
Thanks to our school community for their support and encouragement. Together we are strong. Together we’ll get through this.

Great pics from Day 1 of remote learning. Keep up the GREAT work and reach out to your teacher or school if you need any help. If you'd like to share photos of your child's home learning experience on our social media feeds, email your principal or ray.gonzalez@wwrsd.org

Check out our update from Day 1 of our Continuity of Education experience. Our staff and students did an AMAZING job engaging in online teaching and learning.

The 4th Annual Bergen County Public Schools Job Fair is CANCELED.

WE MADE IT! We are pleased to report that due to the cooperation and collaboration of our entire school community, our historic transition to remote learning is officially underway. Check out our latest community update at https://www.wwrsd.org/article/208154?org=wwrsd

All Bergen County Schools will be closed for 2 weeks effective 3 PM Fri., March 13. Therefore, tomorrow, we will be implementing our early dismissal schedule for students. Staff will remain until the end of the school day. Visit https://www.wwrsd.org/article/207370?org=wwrsd for more info.

The district's COVID-19 planning and preparation update is now available.

The latest edition of the Cardinal Connection is now available.

Check out the latest birds eye view of the Middle School expansion progress: https://youtu.be/GGzaEmb4e6A

Today, Mr. Deblasio's classes took part in the African American Read-In, an event dedicated to making literacy a significant part of Black History Month. The Read In highlights literature written by Black authors that elevate Black experiences.

The Family Survey is still open until Friday. We’ve heard from 33% so far, but we want to hear from ALL families. Let your voice be heard and help us get closer to 100%! Check your email or principal newsletters for the survey link.

We are pleased to announce that this year's Summer Enrichment Program, LEAD With STEAM 2020, will run for 5 weeks from June 29 - July 31.Registration begins March 9, 2020. You can find out more by visiting https://sites.google.com/wwrsd.org/leadwithsteam2020/home