We are pleased to announce that this year's Summer Enrichment Program, LEAD With STEAM 2020, will run for 5 weeks from June 29 - July 31.Registration begins March 9, 2020. You can find out more by visiting https://sites.google.com/wwrsd.org/leadwithsteam2020/home
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Lead with Steam Flyer
PARENTS & GUARDIANS – The @youth_truth survey is live through January 31. We want to hear from you! #CommunityVoice
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Survey Reminder
Westwood Regional Schools wants to hear from you! We’re partnering with YouthTruth to hear what families have to say about their school experience. Help your school understand how to improve! Take the family survey.
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
YouthTruth Logo
Westwood Regional Schools will be participating in the 4th Annual Bergen County Public Schools Job Fair on Saturday, March 28. Are you an educator interested in working in a Bergen County Public school? Reserve your spot online to attend at bit.ly/BCASAjobfair
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Job Fair Flyer
Our families are giving us feedback with @Youth_Truth student surveys from Jan. 21 to Jan. 31. We can’t wait to hear what they have to say! Check your email or the district website for the link to the family survey. #CommunityVoice
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
YouthTruth Logo
The 2020-2021 School Calendar was voted on and approved last night. https://5il.co/cctb
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
The attached advisory is being shared on behalf of our partners in law enforcement regarding an incident in Hillsdale, NJ.
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
PD Advisory
On Jan. 2, the Board of Education swore in our newest members, Michelle Sembler and Matt Perrapato and returning trustee, Roberta Hanlon. During the same meeting the Board also approved Susan Swietkowski and Stephen Kalish as the President and Vice President. Congratulations!
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Sworn in trustees
President and vp
Removal and replacement of auditorium seating is underway! Step 1: out with the old...
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Seat removal
A special thanks to our partners in law enforcement who help keep our schools and community safe every day! #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Law Enforcement Appreciation
January 15 @ 7 PM: The Westwood Regional School District Elementary Counselors are pleased to host Dr. Sileo for an evening for ALL parents with children in Grade K through High School. He will be discussing the mental health wellness of our students. RSVP: bit.ly/WWRSD_RSVP
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Coping with Anxiety
The December edition of the Cardinal Connection is now available which includes confirmation that the Grade 8 transition to the Middle School will take place in September 2020. https://sites.google.com/wwrsd.org/cardinal-connections/cardinal-connection/december-2019
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
December Cardinal Connection
Due to inclement weather, there will be a 90-minute delayed opening, today, December 17, for all Westwood Regional Schools. Visit wwrsd.org for more details
about 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Delayed Opening logo
In case you missed it... check out the latest video of the Middle School construction progress https://youtu.be/yJcmqF1-90A
over 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
The December 11 presentation, "Coping with the United States of Anxiety - Coping Tools for Parents and Kids" is cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date. Details regarding the new date will be forthcoming.
over 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Program Cancellation
Due to the inclement weather forecast, there will be an early dismissal today, December 2, for Westwood Regional Schools. Please visit www.wwrsd.org for the revised schedule and additional notes.
over 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Check out the November edition of the Cardinal Connection online at https://sites.google.com/wwrsd.org/cardinal-connections/cardinal-connection/november-2019
over 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
November Cardinal Connection
Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year’s Read for the Record to promote the importance of early literacy. This year’s book, “Thank you, Omu!” is a wonderful book with a timeless message about kindness.
over 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Read for the Record
Read for the Record
Mark your calendars for this year's fall play by the Woodington Players, "Peter and the Starcatcher". Evening performances are scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on November 21-23. Tickets ($10 per adult and $7 per student) can be purchased at showtix4u.com and on show-days at the door.
over 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
The October edition of the Cardinal Connection is now available. Check it out at https://sites.google.com/wwrsd.org/cardinal-connections/cardinal-connection/october-2019
over 5 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
October 2019 Cardinal Connection