Congrats to Washington, George and the Middle School for their Safe Routes to Schools Gold Level recognitions and Dr. Gonzalez for his Champion of Change award.

Westwood Regional Schools were on display at the 2019 NJ School Boards Association Conference with a presentation some of our specialized programs and recognition of our sustainability efforts. #ExcellenceInEducation

We hope you are enjoying our new app! For those of you with an iPhone, the iOS 13 update is now available. Visit the App Store to download it today https://apple.co/2Ix8ZVO

Continued progress on the Middle School Expansion. Steel is up. Roof is up. Walls are going up. Check out the video for an insider's view.

The latest edition of the Cardinal Connection is now available online at https://sites.google.com/wwrsd.org/cardinal-connections/cardinal-connection/september-2019

Thanks to our Buildings and Grounds Department for their welcoming seasonal display for our preschool students.

Catch up with the latest student stories, inclement weather notifications, and news updates. It’s Everything Westwood Regional, in your pocket. If you haven’t already, download the app on Android:http://bit.ly/2IxQxfB or iPhone: https://apple.co/2Ix8ZVO.

The signed steel beam is in its final resting place in the new gymnasium of the Middle School expansion.

The NJ Department of Education, the NJ State Library, the NJ Library Association and the NJ Association of School Libraries, are joining forces to launch Libraries=Success to encourage students to sign up for their own library card.

We are loving our new app! Access sports
scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even
emergency notifications, right from your pocket.
Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2IxQxfB or
iPhone: https://apple.co/2Ix8ZVO.

WRSD remembers all those whose lives were lost, families were impacted, and first responders who rushed to help others 18 years ago today #911NeverForget

Stay connected to your schools and district by downloading our app and following us on social media

In time for the start of the school year, we’re thrilled to announce Westwood Regional School District‘s new app! It’s Everything Westwood Regional, in your pocket. Download the app on Android:
http://bit.ly/2IxQxfB or iPhone: https://apple.co/2Ix8ZVO.

Great first day back for staff! We can’t wait for our students to return for another amazing school year in Westwood Regional School District.

The Back to School edition of the Cardinal Connection is now available online at

A big thank you to Amirah (Class of '18) and Alex (Class of '17) for sharing their stories about equity and diversity during our opening staff convocation.

Thanks to everyone who came out to our end of summer BBQ to welcome our new teachers and express our gratitude to our student workers and staff who have worked tirelessly to get our schools ready for next week.

We are excited to welcome all our new staff to the Westwood Regional School community. This amazing group of dedicated teachers and education specialists spent the last three days learning about their new district.

WRMS students and staff signed the final steel beam as it gets ready to be placed on the Middle School. We look forward to a productive year on the expansion project.

Our administrative leadership team is ready for another exciting year in our Westwood Regional Schools.