Our middle school dance program is a tremendous success. Check out this choreographed dance that students came up with just a few days into the marking period. We can't wait to see what incredible performances they will plan by the end of the marking period!
Amazing opening night for our Woodington Players Fall performance of "Clue" last night! Still time to come out and see a great show on December 1st @ 7 :00 PM and December 2nd @ 1:00 PM. Great job by everyone involved. So much talent!
Thank you Berkeley PSO and parent volunteers for our annual Holiday Shop. Children enjoy picking out small gifts for their families and loved ones.
As we wrap up the month of November, teachers spent last night at a local food bank distributing food to people in need after our school food collection and donation. We are so thankful for our students, families and wonderful community. #BESTatBrookside
Westwood Regional School District hosted a successful HIB program offered to all parents in the district. Topics covered included the HIB law, HIB investigation process, peer conflict versus bullying, and various case studies.
Writers in Ms. Golz's first grade are busy writing all about things they know how to do! We are working on adding details to help our readers picture what to do. #BESTatBrookside
Elementary schools continue to practice GRATITUDE as we finish the month of November. Prompts to help you practice are pictured below.
Our recent rehearsal was a major success! Look how proud Mrs. Peterson is of her talented students!
Looking forward to our Woodington Players Fall performance of "Clue" scheduled for November 30th and December 1st at 7 pm and December 2nd @ 1:00 PM. Come out and see a great show!
Berkeley Fifth grade scientists administer brightness tests to find how bright the sun looks from each planet.
During Spirit Week the Student Council included a new activity to help our local community. Each grade earned points by collecting food which was donated to a local food pantry for the holidays. The teachers also joined in by collecting to purchase a gift card!
Reminder: Tonight, November 28th at 6:30pm for all district parents.
Group 2 State Champions! Played their hearts out! So proud to be part of this community! Congratulations to the players, coaches, cheerleaders, marching band and colorguard. Go Cards!!!
Our WRHS Marching Band braving the cold weather to perform the halftime show at the state championship game. Great job!!!
Middle School Brain Busters are all smiles!
What talented musicians we have! Here are pictures from our Bergen County Band Concert. Way to go students and teachers!
Congratulations to our Patriot's Pen essay contest winners and our VFW Teacher of the Year Award winner. Way to go Mia, Heather, Asvika, and Ms. Morrison! We are proud of your patriotism and extraordinary efforts. Keep up the excellent work!
First Grade mathematicians in Ms. Raymond's class are working hard on solving math problems by making a ten to add! #BESTatBrookside
Let's Goooooooooo! "Clap Out" today for our football team, cheerleaders, marching band and colorguard! Go Cards! Cardinal Pride!!!! Good luck tonight!
JFG sends you Happy Thanksgiving wishes! While gratitude is displayed every day, today we gathered with our families for a Thanksgiving Feast, captured many memorable moments, and played our annual Thanksgiving schoolwide JFG Bingo! #JustFocusonGrowing