Welcome future class of 2036 (otherwise known as our incoming kindergarteners for September 2023)! We are excited for our Berkeley Family to expand in the Fall; it was a pleasure meeting everyone during our orientation.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
High School students Maya Efraim and Ashley Molina will be attending Girls' Career Institute (GCI). GCI offers a "mini college and career exploration experience" at Rutgers University. Delegates experience a sample of college life by living in a dorm, eating in a cafeteria, and attending lectures and workshops. They learn about career choices from volunteer professional speakers and how to network with other delegates from all over the state of New Jersey.
over 1 year ago, Frank Connelly
Washington welcomes incoming kindergarten students and families.
over 1 year ago, Courtney Carmichael
kindergarten orientation
kindergarten orientation
kindergarten orientation
kindergarten orientation
Class of 2023 signs are up! This is getting real! Three more weeks to graduation. Go Cards!
over 1 year ago, Frank Connelly
Sheri the Shark visited our kindergarten classroom to take them on a digraph word hunt! Nothing fills a heart more than watching our teachers' creativity make learning come to life! Stay focused JFG! #JustFocusonGrowing
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
Sheri the Shark visited our kindergarten classroom to take them on a digraph word hunt! Nothing fills my heart more than watching our teachers' creativity make learning come to life! Stay focused JFG! #JustFocusonGrowing
Sheri the Shark visited our kindergarten classroom to take them on a digraph word hunt! Nothing fills my heart more than watching our teachers' creativity make learning come to life! Stay focused JFG! #JustFocusonGrowing
Sheri the Shark visited our kindergarten classroom to take them on a digraph word hunt! Nothing fills my heart more than watching our teachers' creativity make learning come to life! Stay focused JFG! #JustFocusonGrowing
Sheri the Shark visited our kindergarten classroom to take them on a digraph word hunt! Nothing fills my heart more than watching our teachers' creativity make learning come to life! Stay focused JFG! #JustFocusonGrowing
Leave it to our JFG moms Michelle Brecher, Jen Ferraro, and Katherine Donohue for making our grounds look nothing short of amazing! We appreciated your time and creativity, THANK YOU! #JustFocusonGrowing
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
Leave it to our JFG moms Michelle Brecher, Jen Ferraro, and Katherine Donohue for making our grounds look nothing short of amazing! We appreciated your time and creativity, THANK YOU! #JustFocusonGrowing
Leave it to our JFG moms Michelle Brecher, Jen Ferraro, and Katherine Donohue for making our grounds look nothing short of amazing! We appreciated your time and creativity, THANK YOU! #JustFocusonGrowing
Leave it to our JFG moms Michelle Brecher, Jen Ferraro, and Katherine Donohue for making our grounds look nothing short of amazing! We appreciated your time and creativity, THANK YOU! #JustFocusonGrowing
Amazing afternoon celebrating amazing teachers and education specialists from throughout Bergen County. Congratulations to our Westwood Educators of the Year!
over 1 year ago, Westwood Regional School District
BC Teachers and Ed Specialist of the Year
The Middle School greatly enjoyed our "Field Day Spirit Week". Dressing up like our students was a blast and getting to enjoy some vitamin D today was even better! Thank you to all those who made this week so special!
over 1 year ago, Nicole Ferlise
Field Day
Field Day
Field Day
Dress like a student
Westwood's varsity debate team is so proud of captain Daniel Shotkin for winning an award for third place best speaker out of the entire Bergen County Debate League!!! This is a major accomplishment as there are 100+ people in competition throughout the season. We are so proud of Daniel and cannot wait to resume competitions in the fall. GO CARDS!
over 1 year ago, Frank Connelly
Learning outside our classrooms creates the most memorable experiences! #JustFocusonGrowing
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
Learning outside our classrooms creates the most memorable experiences! #JustFocusonGrowing
Learning outside our classrooms creates the most memorable experiences! #JustFocusonGrowing
Learning outside our classrooms creates the most memorable experiences! #JustFocusonGrowing
Learning outside our classrooms creates the most memorable experiences! #JustFocusonGrowing
Exploring and making real-life connections in our classrooms! Our 2nd graders watched their caterpillars grow and change before their eyes! #JustFocusonGrowing
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
Exploring and making real-life connections in our classrooms! Our 2nd graders watched their caterpillars grow and change before their eyes! #JustFocusonGrowing
Our Staff Wellness Challenge Winner is Mr. Raccioppi! This month we challenged our staff to "refill" their cups & celebrate themselves by practicing self-care!
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
Our  @JFGelementary  Staff Wellness Challenge Winner is Mr. Raccioppi! This month we challenged our staff to "refill" their cups & celebrate themselves by practicing self-care!
Our  @JFGelementary  Staff Wellness Challenge Winner is Mr. Raccioppi! This month we challenged our staff to "refill" their cups & celebrate themselves by practicing self-care!
Berkeley Spirit Day for Mental Health Awareness Week includes a very thoughtful t-shirt, which was as gift from the Berkeley PSO for my birthday last week. Thank you again...and don't forget to 'drop and go'!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
traffic coordinator
Mental Health Awareness Week reminds us to appreciate the world around us, embrace our friendships, and take a mindful moment! #JustFocusonGrowing
over 1 year ago, Jessie F. George School
Mental Health Awareness Week reminds us to appreciate the world around us, embrace our friendships, and take a mindful moment! #JustFocusonGrowing
Mental Health Awareness Week reminds us to appreciate the world around us, embrace our friendships, and take a mindful moment! #JustFocusonGrowing
Mental Health Awareness Week reminds us to appreciate the world around us, embrace our friendships, and take a mindful moment! #JustFocusonGrowing
Mental Health Awareness Week reminds us to appreciate the world around us, embrace our friendships, and take a mindful moment! #JustFocusonGrowing
Over 40 students from the High School Environmental Club are currently cleaning the Woodcliff Lake Reservoir in partnership with Veolia Water. Thank you to Mr. Piskadlo for giving our students and community this experience.
over 1 year ago, Frank Connelly
Selected works from the high school Graphic Design, Painting, Drawing, Jewelry, & Ceramics classes are on display at the Westwood Public Library through June 8. Our Chamber Singers & Chamber Instrumental Ensembles will be performing at the library on Thursday, May 25 at 7:00pm.
over 1 year ago, Frank Connelly
Congratulations to all of our students inducted into the National Art Honor Society, International Thespian Society, and the Tri-M Music Honor Society and thank you to our current seniors.
over 1 year ago, Frank Connelly
2nd graders were transported back to the 1800s on their field trip last week to Museum Village. They learned what life was like then, made candles, visited an old schoolhouse, and even saw Harry The Mastodon - an elephant-like creature that lived thousands of years ago!
over 1 year ago, Washington Elementary School
Mrs. Massaro, School Counselor, helps us identify the range of emotions we all could feel throughout a day...and how to regulate our minds and hearts.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
sel week
sel week
sel week
sel week
Berkeley School Counselor, Mrs. Massaro, kicked off our Mental Health Awareness Week with a "5,4,3,2,1 Morning Meditation". What a great way to start each day!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
morning meditation
morning meditation
morning meditation
morning meditation