Thank you parents and staff for supporting Berkeley Back to School Night and Book Fair!
Try to save a few minutes to visit the Book Fair tonight during our Back to School Night from 6-8 pm!
Ms. Linder's fourth grade class utilizes text evidence to support their reasoning for changes in characters' behavior throughout a novel.
Berkeley Shool will recognize and celebrate Week of Respect from Monday, October 2 to Friday, October 6, 2023. Please refer to the flyer posted here and our newsletter for next week's events.
Mrs. Poggi and her students love working on the erasable table...especially for solving word problems and working together.
Now we're cookin'....come out to the Berkeley Back to School BBQ from 5-8 pm!
Berkeley PSO Annual Back to School BBQ has started! Thank you PSO and parents for continuing the tradition! Come out from 5-8 pm!
Thank you Mrs. Massaro for sharing your Wellness Wednesday. Practice mindfulness means we are noticing how we feel, what we see/ hear, and what our thoughts are. When we pay attention to what is happening right now it can help us focus during learning time.
The rain isn't dampening our spirit today for school pictures! Liam could be the principal today in his perfect suit!
Thank you Ms. Velez, WRSD Director of Elementary Education, for being the mystery reader for Mrs. Stewart's Kindergarten Class!
Berkeley's Wellness Wednesdays for 2023-2024 started today!
Fifth graders look forward to various responsibilities and privileges. Today the discussion and group shares included the difference between a leader and a boss.
Berkeley Day 2 is already well on it's way with Morning Meetings. We welcome Mr. Douthat, our new Instrumental Teacher, who is pictured with a third grade recorder class.
Berkeley Families were more than ready to start school today!
Welcome to our new school year together at Berkeley!
Happy First Day Berkeley Staff! Thank you to our PSO for some treats and snacks to help us stay energized throughout the day.
More pictures of our scavenger hunt at Berkeley....
Welcome our new kindergarten families and new students! Thank you to our PSO and fifth grade buddies for making our afternoon a success!
Dear WWRSD community,
We welcome you all to the upcoming 2023-2024 school year! As the Genesis Parent Portal is now open, we want clarify the Health Opt-Out form located in the Parent Portal.
For any parent who wishes to OPT-OUT of a health lesson, fill out the form and submit. If you DO NOT wish to opt-out of a lesson, please disregard the form and leave the form as UNSUBMITTED.
The Health Opt-Out form is NOT mandatory. Please visit our C&I website for further directions on how to opt-out of a health lesson.
Huge thank you to Mr. Danny, Mr. Raymundo and our summer helpers Max and A.J. for all the hard work during the hot summer months to make our school sparkle and ready for September! Look at those shiny floors!