Thank you Berkeley PSO for 'March Munchies' to start the week! What a great surprise on a Monday morning!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
monday munchies pso
Kindergarteners enjoy an extra special treat with family and friends coming to school to read together for Read Across America Week!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
kindergartner readers
Thanks to our afternoon guest readers and to Mrs. Eliason for coordinating our special day to celebrate the joy of reading!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
afternoon guest readers
Thank you to some of our Guest Readers from this morning...check back later for pictures of some more readers!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
We are ready to continue our celebration of Read Across America Week....with guest readers to all classes today; check back for pictures from our day. Thank you to Berkeley PSO for providing a 'sweet' Thank You to our readers.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
thank you cookies
A kick off event for Read Across America is our annual visiting author, sponsored by Berkeley PSO. Anica Rissi is sharing her childhood and inspirations, as well as how she developed a love of reading and eventually writing her own books.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
visiting author
visiting author
visiting author
Read Across America Week has begun! Thank you to our PSO for decorating our school and setting the stage for a great week ahead!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
read across america
read across america
The Westwood Regional School District is participating in the development of a new three-year Strategic Plan. Please visit this link to complete a stakeholder survey:
over 1 year ago, Jill Mortimer
strategic plan
Thank you to our Grade 4 and 5 musicians who performed in our Winter Band Concert! Thank you Mr. Barbieri and to our parent community who continue to support and celebrate Music in our Schools!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
grade 4 band
grade 4 band
grade 5 band
Berkeley is sending lots of LOVE for Valentine's Day and celebrating the 100th day of school!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
100 day
100 day
100 day
100 day
Happy Friendship Friday! What are Berkeley Students grateful for? Take a closer look our Berkeley Gratitude Wall. Thank you to all our students, Mrs. Massaro, and Berkeley Staff!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
gratitude wall
Berkeley School honored our Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Massaro, with a book containing all the reasons why she is so special and loved. Thank you to Mrs. Seigle for organizing the school event during Guidance Counselor Week!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
guidance week
guidance week
Mrs. Houck. and first grade students are becoming masters at comparing numbers.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
It's National School Counseling Week #HelpingStudentsDreamBig! We love our school counselors @WWRSD
over 1 year ago, Courtney Carmichael
National School Counseling Week
I love my school counselor
Thank you Mrs. Massaro for creating Berkeley's Friendship Fridays for February! Students showed their appreciation for our wonderful staff for Friday, February 3, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
friendship friday
friendship friday
Congratulations to Addison and Kailyn : Berkeley's WW has heART winners. We are proud of your talents as well as your character and kindness!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
ww has heart
ww has heart
Mrs. Houck and her 'store' are back in business! Students enjoy “buying” toys using counters and showing off their place value skills!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
toy sale
toy sale
toy sale
Thank you and sending love to Mrs. Schott's Class for sending their love and thanks to our local veterans.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
veterans vday
We feel the LOVE and are thrilled to report that Berkeley joined 19 million other students in 115 countries for the 2023 Great Kindness Challenge!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
kindness certification
Thank you Mrs. Petersen for arranging hand washing presentations from Northwest Bergen Regional Health Commission. A blue light and glow germs were used to demonstrate effective hand washing to first graders.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School