Thank you to our ELL parents for coming to our Parent Meeting with Ms. Astudillo. Programs, services, WRSD details and more were presented to parents to help support their children's progress and success.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
ell parent meeting
ell parent meeting
ell parent meeting
The Great Kindness Challenge 2023 continues! We are 'tied' together and shine brighter when we spread kindness to others and ourselves!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
kindness challenge
kindness challenge
kindness challenge
kindness challenge
Great Kindness Challenge 2023 is here! Our Theme Week began as we dream of more ways to be kind and learning in our pajamas today.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
kindness challenge
theme week
theme week
Our January 17, 2023 Professional Development Day includes Responsive Classroom Training for teachers and aides and Crisis Intervention Training.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
PD Day
PD Day
PD Day
Mrs. Lepore and her first grade students practice how to greet each other during today's Morning Meeting, using eye contact and introducing themselves.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
morning meeting
morning meeting
morning meeting
Join the conversation about Special Education in our District on Thursday, January 19, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m. at the Westwood Regional High School Media Center.
over 1 year ago, Westwood Regional Schools
SEPAG Meeting - 1-19-23
Our first Wellness Wednesday of 2023 to help to strengthen our bodies and our minds!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
wellness wednesday
Wellness Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday
Kindergarten registration for school year 2023-24 begins January 3 for students who will be five by Oct. 1, 2023. Go to
over 1 year ago, Courtney Carmichael
Kindergarten Registration
Welcome Back and Happy New Year! We settled in quickly and we are more than ready for 2023!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Kindergarten registration begins January 3 for September. Students must be 5 by October 1.
over 1 year ago, Courtney Carmichael
kindergarten registration
Thank you Ms. Lizzi and Mr. Barbieri for keeping our holiday music tradition and spreading cheer as we arrive to school!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
holiday music
holiday music
Miss Lizzi always makes any type of learning interactive and fun in physical education class! Fourth graders recently played a scooter game involving choosing from different food groups to make a 'healthy plate' while reinforcing teamwork and problem solving.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
food groups
food groups
We are celebrating winter holidays! Students shop at the PSO Holiday Shop and Berkeley Staff enjoy some breakfast goodies from Ms. Gonzalez and Mr. Fiorello.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
holiday shop
holiday shop
staff breakfast
staff breakfast
Berkeley kindergarteners are authors! Thank you Mrs. Stewart, Ms. Georgiadis and parents for helping us celebrate!
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
k writing
k writing
k writing
k writing
I am so very proud of Ms. Zakar's Zak Pak for their organized and informative presentation! They researched and presented a variety of items and rationales to utilize the profit from last year's school store to benefit students at Berkeley School.
over 1 year ago, Berkeley Elementary School
zak pak
Congratulations Mrs. Kari Binder for Berkeley School's Governor's Educator of the Year Recipient! This Recognition Program recognizes hard working teachers and educational service professionals for their dedication to their students and the profession.
almost 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
kari binder
Mr. Barbieri and fifth grade saxophone players are starting of the week with their music lessons.
almost 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
First graders held their own Thanksgiving Day Parade at Berkeley School...complete with 'floats' they created.
almost 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Fifth graders and their kindergarten buddies are grateful for their weekly time together. Gobble Gobble!
almost 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Thank you Grade 5 Safety Patrol for helping our students each morning and afternoon!
almost 2 years ago, Berkeley Elementary School
safety patrol