Ms. Massaro and Berkeley School practice gratitude through read alouds. Thank you parents and students who also contributed to our school wide gratitude jar! We recognize the more gratitude we send out into the world, the more at peace we feel and those around us feel.
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
read aloud
gratitude jar
What a perfect day for our annual Fun Run at Berkeley! Thank you PSO and parent volunteers for your help. Thanks to our students and their families, we've exceeded our fundraising goal!
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
fun run
fun run
Third graders in Ms. Lizzi's Health and Gym class are learning about their eyes and then tested out their eye skills with a game of parachute.
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Surprise! After our assembly launch with well known artist Marco Santini, children submitted words and feelings describing their Berkeley home. Here is what they see and feel each day at Berkeley! (Next surprise is scheduled later in the school year.) Thank you Berkeley PSO!
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Today we recognize World Kindness Day. A reminder that small acts of kindness have a big impact! Today and always you can...Smile, Write a note (or email) of thanks, Compliment someone, Volunteer, Hold the door open for someone, Practice patience, Offer to help at home, Thank a teacher, Thank your parent, Donate time, money, clothes, books, Call your grandparent or relative, Stand up for a friend, Laugh and Be kind to yourself.
10 months ago, Kelly Riedel
Scheduling afternoon conferences helps with lunch provided by our PSO. Thank you!
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Thank you Berkeley PSO for helping us get through the night with parent conferences....with special treats!
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
pso treats
Thank you and much love to Berkeley Staff for your talents and dedication in helping our entire community. Our staff picture this year says it all!
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
everyone belongs
Berkeley students shared their Halloween candy with the Veterans at the VA home in Paramus. Maybe a few less sweets for kids, but a big treat to show their gratitude for our Veterans! Thank you Mrs. Petersen for organizing our donation.
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
candy donation
Ms. Georgiadis' Kindness Club is spreading kindness around Berkeley like the autumn leaves all around us.
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
kindness club
kindness club
Berkeley Staff wishes everyone a safe Halloween!
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Read for the Record 2023 is on it's way! We are trying to beat the world record for readers all over the globe! Thank you Mrs. Brennan for organizing our day and thank you to all our guest readers at Berkeley School.
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Berkeley's Wellness Wednesday!
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Will we beat the record on Thursday? Thank you Mrs. Brennan and Mrs. Portelli for preparing to make our annual event a success!
10 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
read for the record
What a perfect combination....Wellness Wednesday and Unity Day 2023.
11 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
unity day
wellness wed
unity day
unity day
Fall is in the air! Thank you Ms. Curran and Ms. Brown for the outside festive decor.
11 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
fall decorations
Third graders and Mr. Douthat begin their "Recorder Karate" to show off their new skills and learning.
11 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
Thank you Berkeley Junior Girl Scout Troop #98004 for helping keep Berkeley looking warm and seasonal!
11 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
girl scouts
girl scouts
girl scouts
girl scouts
As role models and leaders at Berkeley School, fifth graders help spread the motto to be "Humble and Kind" throughout the school.
11 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School
humble and kind
Mrs. Hogle's second grade students are practicing the writing process using their own personal experiences.
11 months ago, Berkeley Elementary School