District School Counselors meet to prepare for the spring. Also present Directors of Secondary and Elementary Education and Assistant Director of Special Services.
over 1 year ago, Courtney Carmichael
school counselors meet
Ms. Hughes, Mrs. Gomez. Ms. Johnston and Mrs. Acosta attended a workshop lead by author Jennifer Serravallo this past week. We enjoyed learning about best practices and are excited to share with the Brookside team! #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kelly Hughes
Brookside's students enjoyed learning about various science topics during our Theme Day. #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kelly Hughes
Theme Day
Theme Day
Theme Day
Theme Day
Brookside's Theme Day was a huge success! Thank you to all of our parent volunteers, PTO and Ms. Iozzia for the event. #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kelly Hughes
Theme Day
Theme Day
Theme Day
Theme Day
A big THANK YOU to all families who donated to our food drive to support a local food pantry. A special shout out to Mrs. Tadiello's 2nd grade class for their hard work on this project. #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kelly Hughes
Food Drive
Mark your calendars! We can't wait to see all of our Brookside families at our Open House. #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kelly Hughes
Open House
1st Graders in Ms. Bowker's class are working on making their focus muscles strong. Coming into warrior pose helps us all feel empowered to make good choices throughout our day. #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez
First graders in Media Center played a fun game where they spent time with different Caldecott Award-winning books.The Caldecott is given out annually to books that have the best illustrations. We learned that pictures are an important part of telling a story! #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez
Second graders in Ms. Vozza's class participated in a fun word work exercise where they create their own word search using their red words! Once their word searches were completed, they swapped with a friend! #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez
Our Elementary Summer Enrichment registration is open for students entering Kindergarten through 6th Grade. Please visit our website to learn more about our course offerings and how to sign up: https://sites.google.com/wwrsd.org/summerenrichment2023/home
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez
Brookside enjoyed a visit from the Harlem Wizards! Students and staff alike had a great time participating in this fun assembly. We hope to see everyone at the main event on April 2nd at WRHS!
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez
During Spanish with Ms. Araujo, 5th graders identified weather expressions using the lyrics of the song “La Canción del Tiempo y el Clima." #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez
Mrs. Le Parc’s Kindergarten MLs have been very busy! They have been learning the letter Y and read the stories Yes Day! and Extra Yarn. They shared what they would do if they had their own Yes Day (eat lots of pancakes) and discussed the characters in each book. #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez
Students in grade 3 learned about different careers through parent presentations this week. We were lucky to have Mr. Mandaglio's dad visit and teach us about his career as well! #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kelly Hughes
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Dat
Students are rewarded with Brookside Pride bracelets for demonstrating positive school behavior and acts of kindness. Check out some of this week's recipients. #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kelly Hughes
Brookside Bracelets
Brookside Bracelets
Brookside Bracelets
Brookside Bracelets
Brookside is lucky to have the BEST staff! #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kelly Hughes
Brookside Staff
Brookside Staff
Brookside Staff
Brookside Staff
Mrs. Oldak’s Kindergarten class is learning about different types of materials during Science. They explored different types of paper, made predictions about what would happen to paper when it gets wet, and then even made their own paper! #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez
In response to this week's display of hate & bias, the Office of Curriculum & Instruction compiled resources for parents. Swastikas, speech & other images that diminish a group are condemned. Go to: https://sites.google.com/wwrsd.org/publiccurriculumoffice for more information.
over 1 year ago, Courtney Carmichael
Community Resources for Hate and Bias
Students in Ms. Acosta and Ms. Cascione's 4th grade worked together to collect and organize data. Then, we used the data to plot our information on one big line plot! #BESTatBrookside
over 1 year ago, Kristin Gomez