Due to the forecasted low temperatures, continued precipitation through the night presenting the possibility for icy road conditions, the Westwood Regional Schools will remain in full remote for Friday, February 19. Please refer to your email or the district website for details.
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Virtual Day Logo
Celebrating NASA’s Perseverance Rover by building our own landers and rovers at home!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
MARS 2020
Students observing Mars
Third Grade classes enjoyed our Virtual Field Trip to Tenafly Nature Center to learn about the Lives of the Lenape.
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
wolf slide
collage of remote students
Teacher slide to present third grade virtual trip
Back from a long weekend on a Wellness Wednesday with an Orange Essential Oil Sachet. Orange essential oil increases mood & mental alertness. This sachet is the perfect pick-me-up & an excellent tool for a mindfulness break to recharge our JFG teachers and staff!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
satchel with essential oils
counselor with satchel of essential oils
Due to the timing of tomorrow’s expected snowfall, the Westwood Regional School District will remain in full remote learning for Thursday, February 18. Refer to your email or www.wwrsd.org for schedule details.
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Our 3rd graders have been using @Pixar shorts and @padlet to practice preparing themselves for literary essays.
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
girl writing on post it
boy writing on post it
Thank you Ms. Williams for the meticulous attention you have given our staff and students. You have done an amazing job focusing on EVERYONE'S social and emotional well-being. We were excited to recognize and celebrate you this week! Happy National School Counseling Week!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
JFG students have begun preparations for Celebrating Diversity Through the Arts! Their journey has begun with the beautiful art of Mehndi from India! They designed a pair of gloves in preparations for their musical performance. Stay tuned!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
Wellness Wednesday - JFG Staff is GLOWing with their glow sticks & dark chocolate covered blueberries. Our teachers & staff light up OUR school.
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
Glow sticks and blueberries
Glow sticks and blueberries
Mrs. Salvi's kindergarteners listened to "The Story of Ruby Bridges" and followed up with a graphic organizer activity. They came up with amazing words to describe her!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
Graphic Organizer
Kindergarten work displayed
JFG 3rd graders were so excited to celebrate the amazing aviation pioneer, Bessie Coleman, who was the first African American Female pilot in the United States over 100 year ago!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
students pointing to Slide
Bessie Coleman slide
JFG celebrates Black History Month and collaborates with peers on padlet!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
black history month
child on chromebook
black history month
boy on chromebook
JFG's virtual snow days left smiles on our faces and memories in our hearts. Our days were well spent completing at home STEAM projects and snow sculpture building!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
snow collage
collage of students
collage of students
collage of students
HUGE SHOUT OUT to our BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS DEPARTMENT! Your tireless efforts to make certain our lot and playground were cleaned and safe are greatly appreciated! THANK YOU!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
snow plow
snow plow
JFG's virtual snow days were spent learning and having fun! At home STEAM projects were a success!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
collage of students
boy hold snow
children playing with snow
little in snow
JFG's virtual snow days were spent learning and having fun!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
Home STEAM Directions
collage of students
collage of students
Grade 4 at JFG loved having Ms. Williams in for a Growth Mindset lesson! Positive affirmations lead to positive thinking and a healthy brain! We continue to focus on the well being of our children.
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
child writing a message
Boy holding mindful message
Girl holding wellness message
The walls of JFG continue to speak of the hard work ALL our students are accomplishing!
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
bulletin board
bulletin board
board with acts of kindness
Whether at home or in school, our students are determined to learn.
almost 4 years ago, Jessie F. George School
little girl
little girl reading at home
boy reading
In light of the significant snowfall, ALL WWRSD schools will remain in remote learning on Wednesday, February 3. Please refer to your email or www.wwrsd.org for schedule details.
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Virtual Day Logo