Students and staff had a great time on the 6th grade class trip today!
about 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
low ropes trust exercise
high ropes course
staff group shot
team building exercise
Congratulations to our 6th and 8th grade choirs and bands on excellent concerts this evening! It’s amazing how much they’ve learned!
about 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
6th grade band
8th grade band
8th Grade Choir
6th grade choir
For a huge turnout at the Color Run, 6th grade won a visit from an ice cream truck and recess! Thank you PSO!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
students playing soccer
students playing football
group shot enjoying ice cream
students getting ice cream
Our 8th grade students and staff are having a great day at Six Flags!!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
fun on the bumper cars!
staff picture
group shot
group shot
Bravo to JPAC for amazing performances this weekend! The talent and hard work paid off in impressive musical and dramatic numbers! đź‘Ź
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
student singing
group performance
student singing
The World Cultures Club discussed differences and similarities of varying international currencies at their most recent meeting. Students reviewed the history on different bills and were fascinated by Polymer notes that last a long time and do not get dirty or tear easily.
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
students holding different bills
Congratulations to the 2022 6th Grade Honor Band participants! These students were accepted to perform with students from 36 other Northern NJ schools. They worked together to rehearse and put on an excellent concert in 1 day!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Students enjoying lunch together
students pose with Mrs. Peterson
Students in the French & Spanish Club celebrated Cinco de Mayo, learning about the holiday and how to make guacamole.
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
student mixing their guacamole
student getting onion and tomato ready
student preparing the avocado
student mashing avocado
Thank you PSO and all of the parents who supported our teachers this week!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
teachers enjoying lunch
apple goody bags
teachers winning the raffle
7th Grade Band had the opportunity to work with Guest conductor, Mr. Lipnick, today from Washington and George School!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Mr. Lipnick conducting the band
Mr. Lipnick conducting
Showing gratitude to our teachers this week! Yesterday we treated them to coffee, tea, and a donut served courtesy of the Admin team and PSO, today they had a lovely breakfast from the PSO!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Lovely breakfast spread
Teachers enjoying breakfast
Admin team serving a teacher
Ms. McLaughlin’s students are enjoying their Chinese Philosophy Tea Party, collaboratively answering and debating real-world questions from the different perspectives.
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
students debating real-world questions
students developing their arguments
Congratulations to Danielle for making the 2022 Bergen County Band on Clarinet!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Picture of Student
Ms. D’Imperio’s WRMS choir members and Westwood Softball players sang the National Anthem at Westwood’s opening night!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Softball players & singers pose with teacher for a picture
Thank you to the PSO and Conrad’s to a sweet start to teacher appreciation week!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
faculty enjoying a treat
faculty leaving for a treat
some faculty posing in front of the truck
sign saying we heart WRMS teachers and staff
Our ensemble groups had fun visiting and performing for the elementary schools today!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
jazz band performs
chamber ensemble sings
chamber ensemble sings
fun selfie on the bus ride
Thank you to EarthEcho and Nephros and their volunteers for a great water testing lab today! Students tested samples for pH, oxygen, turbidity and temperature and learned how the many streams and ponds in out area are connected to our drinking water.
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
students reading the results
a student examining a sample
students discussing the results
students pulling water samples
Imagine if schools were Daoist, what would those classroom environments look like? Students in Mr. Hackbarth’s classes are experiencing it first-hand!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
students work with whom and where they like
more students work with whom and where they would like
So much fun at the Color Run today! Thank you to the PSO and all the parents who helped pull off a great event!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
kids with color walking by a throwing station
group jumping and covered in color
Congratulations to our music program for being nationally recognized as a Best Community for Music Education for the 9th year in a row! Bravo! đź‘Ź
over 2 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
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