Thank you to our parents for such a warm welcome and sweet start to our week!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
a sweet treat from Conrad’s
sign to recognize our teachers and staff
The Spring edition of the Cardinal Connection is now available. Click on the following link to find out more
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Cardinal Connection Logo
Check out WRMS Weekly Update!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Sports Club members played in a before-school contactless kickball/soccer game with Mr. Orsini and Mr. Fadini. Students use only their feet to play, and outs are recorded by kicking the ball into the nets strategically placed around the gym by each team.
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
great kick to start the play
hustling for the ball
defense is ready
getting ready for the kick
Mrs. Morfing’s 8th grade science students are learning about saturated solutions through making rock candy!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
working on the digital lab
experiments are ready
safely pouring the solution
First track meet of the season yesterday! Great performances by our student-athletes!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
girls’ relay handoff
running event
girls’ relay handoff
boys’ relay handoff
Check out WRMS Weekly Update!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Our Environmental Club is partnering with the Twp of Washington Green Team today in honor of Earth Day. Bring your styrofoam to the field lot today!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Collection information
Styrofoam collection truck
Styrofoam to be recycled
Signorona Halter’s students practiced their Italian while watching the virtual edumusical “Sempreverde” (Evergreen) and got to ask the actors questions about the production. Bravo!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
another cast member
Ruoli Principali
a page from the workbook
Signorina Halter
Awesome, positive presentation from @Teentruth today! Students were encouraged to “be the difference” and to know that there are adults all around them who care and are rooting for them!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
story about a student finding her voice
inspirational video about a community coming together
JC addressing the group
The World Cultures Club held their most recent meeting discussing Chinese Culture. They used paper and glue to make Chinese paper fans and had a great time!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
WCC’s Chinese Fans
Ms. Abbasi and Mrs. Sparno are very proud of the Helping Hands Club members excellent efforts to foster positivity and empathy in our school and community this challenging and unique year! Here is a picture of our dedicated members who were able to make it to the last meeting.
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
some Helping Hands Club members
Check out WRMS Weekly Update!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
WRSD Alumni Nick Lopac presents to Engineering classes about a NASA competition. He and a team of space and technology students are using the design process to build a tool belt for space suits that is easy for astronauts to use and resists the elements of the moon. So cool!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Nick shows a prototype
Students watch a background video
Testing the prototype under water
So great to have so many of our students back!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Band 8
Social Studies 6
Science Rooms
Art 8
Check out WRMS Weekly Update!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Congratulations to our volleyball team on beating Ramsey 3-0!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
ready for the ball
getting ready to hit!
great serve!
Thank you to Mr. Halligan for sharing #RyansStory with our parents this evening!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Ryan’s Story
Choir’s first rehearsal in our new room, they sound great!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Choir’s first rehearsal
Check out WRMS Weekly Update!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District