Congratulations to our students for raising over $1100 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! One of the awards was the staff wearing wacky costumes! The others they’ll enjoy during our SEL afternoon!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
the administration is ready for spring break!
taco teachers!
ELA 8 teachers are The Chimpmunks!
crazy nurse and main office costumes
The March edition of the Cardinal Connection is now available. Follow the link to check it out ...
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Cardinal Connection Logo
The World Cultures Club held their most recent meeting this Wednesday discussing Mexican Culture. We learned about Day of the Dead and colored sugar skulls. It was a great time for all!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
WCC Sugar Skull Pictures
Music Tech students are developing incredible arrangements! Scan the QR codes to listen to their work, so creative!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Shakespeare and Hip Hop
Form Project
Meet Me Podcast
Star Wars Arranging
Congratulations to Madison, winner of the Twp of Washington Police’s Essay Contest! @WashTwpPolice
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
new chromebook and swag
Having fun with our spirit week’s hat day in Ms. McLaughlin’s class!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
hat day!
Celebrating Pi Day, (a day late) making Pi-Line Skylines using the first few digits of pi. Hope you’re ins-PI-red!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
pi skyline
Check out WRMS Weekly Update!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
The NJHS, led by Cooper Fox, successfully sponsored a coat drive, collecting 115 coats to donate to One Warm Coat!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
donated coats
coat drive flyer
Free play on the field during PE today!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
running in the fresh air
free play
It’s a beautiful day to read outside!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
reading in the sunshine
reading in the fresh air
Important questions in @MsBuonforte ELA6 book clubs with empathy and history. Students are asked, “Which is easier, to stand up for your beliefs or follow the crowd?”, then read historical fiction about the Holocaust, slavery, and other racial issues. Great discussion!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
The Whispering Town read aloud
Our girls are fighting hard against Park Ridge!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
free throw
coming down the court
3 point shot
Check out WRMS Weekly Update!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Sports Club is kicking off their morning with some soccer!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Mr. Orsini plays defense
clearing the goal
Loved reading to Brookside’s 5th grade today! “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” is a personal favorite, with a great message to help them for 6th grade in the fall! @BrooksideWWRSD
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Reading over Zoom
The February Edition of the Cardinal Connection is now available. For more information visit
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional Schools
Cardinal Connection Logo
Thank you to our supportive parent community for recognizing the hard work and care of our wonderful teachers and staff!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
shout outs 2
shout outs 1
Check out WRMS Weekly Update!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
A group of National Junior Honor Society students, led by 8th grader Riley Falk, collected over 20 large bags and boxes of food to be donated to local families in need!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Regional School District
Food pantry donations