Congratulations to our talented musicians on an incredible end to the winter concert season. The audience was deeply moved by the talent, passion, and dedication of students and teachers in each and every performance! Thank you family and friends for joining us!
8 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Good morning WWRSD! Friendly FYI! The district will be closed on January 15, 2024 for all students. We want to wish our students a wonderful three day weekend!
8 months ago, Bronwen Calderon
Dear Westwood Regional Parents and Staff: Due to the impending inclement weather, there will be a delayed opening tomorrow, Wednesday, January 10, 2024. As the storm arrives, significant rain, flooding and power outages are anticipated. Tomorrow’s delayed opening schedule will allow time for our families and staff to navigate the impact and travel related to this specific weather event. All schools will open 90 minutes later than their normal start times (High School – 9:25 a.m.; Middle School – 9:45 a.m.; Grades K-5 – 10:20 a.m.; and Pre-School – 10:20 a.m.) All before school clubs and Champions before care programs will be canceled. The after school care program and all after school activities will be held as usual. Lunch will be served in all schools. All students will be dismissed at their normal time. All bus pick-ups will be 90 minutes after normal time. Information is also available on the district's website under the Inclement Weather Procedures tab. Thank you! Thank you, Frank Connelly
8 months ago, Frank Connelly
Delayed Opening
Please help us reunite these fabulous sweatshirts, jackets, water bottles, hats, umbrellas, and lunchboxes to their rightful owners. Middle School students - please check out the lost and found today and claim your items!
8 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
2024 is going to be our year! Middle school parents - please help us start off strong with the second edition of "The Great Kindness Challenge". Families can join in on the fun by completing the family edition checklist too.
8 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Thank you to members of the WRMS Chamber Ensemble for spreading holiday cheer with their music yesterday morning as staff and students were coming into school. We wish you all a happy and healthy 2024!
8 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Middle school faculty and staff played a little game today. Alliances were formed, strategies were devised, and a lot of laughs were had. Thank you to all those who took part in the fun!
8 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
To top off last week's holiday showcase, Mr. Barbieri, Mrs. Peterson, and Mrs. Yoo organized a food collection.
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Thank you to Mrs. Amato, the police department, and teachers who organized the middle school's Volleyball for a Cause event. We had a blast yesterday and collected lots of donations! Is anyone surprised that Miss Dripchak played volleyball for 12 years? What amazing serves!
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Students in the Science club looked at how the mass and height of meteorites impact crater size. We looked at the effect on earth and the moon. Great job club members!
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
science club
science club
Last night's Holiday Showcase was a wonderful opportunity for students to show off their musical talents. We would be remiss if we did not mention that our music team also received PSO mini-grants. Pictured here are some brand new music stands! Thank you, PSO!
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
music stnds
music stands
Check out another great purchase made by another well-deserving PSO mini-grant recipient -- Ms. Buonforte. We are excited to expand our flexible seating opportunities for students. Thank you, PSO and Ms. Buonforte!
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Congratulations Mrs. Cooper for being nominated as the middle school Governor's Educator of the Year, also known as Teacher of the Year! We hope you and all nominees enjoy reading the many beautiful submissions written by students, parents, and staff. Thank you all!
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Mrs Cooper
Now entering the tank! WRMS 2nd Business Fair is in full effect! Best of luck to our upcoming entrepreneurs. Thank you to Mr. Baez, Ms. Buonforte, and Mr. Collier.
9 months ago, Bronwen Calderon
Thank you to the organizers of the "Home for the Holidays Parade" for inviting the middle school girls' soccer team to participate. They have brought so much pride to the community! Thank you everyone for your support!
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Mr. Hackbarth and his doppelganger, Ryan Reynolds! Ryan helped teach geography today!
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Thank you to our PSO who provided a "mini-grant" which Ms. Fabrocini used to purchase Ubuntu cards for our advisory program. These cards encourage students to interact and make connections. There are many more mini grants we look forward to posting about! Thank you, PSO!
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Our middle school dance program is a tremendous success. Check out this choreographed dance that students came up with just a few days into the marking period. We can't wait to see what incredible performances they will plan by the end of the marking period!
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Our middle school dance program is a tremendous success. Check out this choreographed dance that students came up with just a few days into the making period. We can't wait to see what incredible performances they will plan by the end of the marking period!
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Our recent rehearsal was a major success! Look how proud Mrs. Peterson is of her talented students!
9 months ago, Nicole Ferlise