Have you read the research behind Responsive Classroom?
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
responsive classroom
responsive classroom
The middle school had a blast clapping out our championship soccer players and Coach Donohue today! Way to go team and way to go parade participants!
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
We are the champions, my friends...congratulations to our Girl's Soccer Team on their Championship win yesterday! Way to go athletes, coaches, and fans! How cool is it that Mr. O'Sullivan wore his varsity soccer jacket to watch our game?
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Health/P.E. teachers, administrators, and police officers teamed up to provide a refresher on expectations for our middle schoolers. We discussed everything from bike safety to the power of our words. Do you think we can ever get all the wrinkles out of this piece of paper?
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Twin day at the middle school was a hit!
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Check out this example of a differentiated advisory lesson. This week's lesson focused on goal setting. Here you see an "expert panel" share their strategies for academic success. What is your routine for getting work done after school?
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Happy Halloween from these tremendous teams!
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Happy Halloween from the Middle School!
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Thank you to the 8th Graders that were able to attend the Marching Band Interest Event! We had a great time playing some stand music and watching their performance!
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Middle school students worked hard last week to build molecules! The practice of modeling as a tool to investigate phenomena is just one of the many ways our science teachers promote higher level thinking among our students.
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Congratulations to Anna, Elijah, and Matthew for being accepted into Bergen County Band, and to Matthew and Caylynn for being accepted into Bergen County Choir. Well done!! We are beyond proud of you for representing WRMS.
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Thank you to the Student Council of the middle school for organizing our annual Fall Spirit Week and philanthropic project. We are proud of your great leadership!
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Food War
The middle school is gearing up for a return visit from author and motivational speaker, Ed Gerety. Ed's message of gratitude reinforces our core values and will be a wonderful way to kick off the month of November. Thank you to our PSO for sponsoring this author visit!
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
PLCs, otherwise known as "professional learning communities", are intended to support student achievement. Yesterday, middle school teachers kicked off their PLCs by doing a data walk. Areas of inquiry include mathematical reasoning, interdisciplinary connections, and SEL.
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
data walk
data walk
data walk
French students in 7th and 8th grade had a great opportunity to attend an interactive French music concert on Eric Vincent’s final tour. All were immersed in the target language while creating a lasting impact on their journey of cultural understanding.
10 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Students in Mrs. Dominiczak's classes engaging in a "Primary Source Gallery Walk" where they examined six different versions of the Declaration of Independence. The when, where, why, what, who and how for each version were analyzed and reported. Great job, students!
11 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
gallery walk
gallery walk
In yesterday's advisory, students reflected on our core values (Respectful, Inclusive, Supportive, Educational Excellence, United, and Positive) and what each value means to them. As a follow up activity, students began drafting designs for a new middle school school t-shirt!
11 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
rise up
rise up
rise up
Thank you Mr. Orsini and Mr. Corso who organized our first ever "6th Grade Basketball" tournament. Students demonstrated their best teamwork, sportsmanship, basketball skills, and they even got to enjoy some pizza!
11 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Day 3 of Responsive Classroom training at the middle school was a success! The agenda included active and interactive learning structures and small group learning strategies.
11 months ago, Nicole Ferlise
Carl the Cardinal is full of feathers and words of respect. Thank you to our school counseling department, students & staff bringing Carl to life! Carl reminds you to: be kind, help others, say hello in the halls, listen to others, be open to others' ideas, smile, & have empathy
11 months ago, Kelly Riedel